Sunday, September 18, 2011

How to Recover Data from damaged or corrupted(Scrached) CD or DVD

Data Stored in a DVD or CD can be easily be corrupted due to scratches occurring as the result rough handling of the disks.Disks are damaged easily when exposed to high temperatures and chemicals.

Data can be recovered to an extend from slightly or moderately damaged or corrupted disks which are not broken by the use of a tool called isobuster.The following is a step by step guide on recovering data from damaged CD's or DVD's.

  1. Download IsoBuster from
  2. Install and Open IsoBuster
  3. Insert the Damaged disk and wait for it to be recognized by IsoBuster .
  4. After the Disk is recognized you can try to extract the complete data of the DVD or CD by selecting the appropriate track>Right Click and Select Extract user data.

By selecting this option you will be able to store the entire content of the disk to your hard disk in Disk Image formats like .iso,.tar etc.
If you have any Questions Just Comment on the Post.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

TASM Program Source Code to Find Factorial of a Number

The TASM Assembly Program given below can be used to find the factorial of a number.The Complete Source Code is given below.Check it out and do respond to the post if you have any doubts.
 readnum macro num  
     mov ah,01h  
     int 21h  
     sub al,'0'  
     mov bh,0ah  
     mul bh  
     mov num,al  
     mov ah,01h  
     int 21h  
     sub al,'0'  
     add num,al  
 printstring macro msg  
     mov ah,09h  
     mov dx,offset msg  
     int 21h  
 data segment  
     cr equ 0dh  
     lf equ 0ah  
     msg1 db 'enter the number',cr,lf,'$'  
     msg2 db 'the factorial is','$'  
     num db ?  
     result db 20 dup('$')  
     data ends  
 code segment  
     assume cs:code,ds:data  
        mov ax,data  
        mov ds,ax  
        printstring msg1  
        readnum num  
        mov ax,01h  
        mov ch,00h  
        mov cl,num  
        cmp cx,00  
        je skip  
       mov dx,00  
       mul cx  
       loop rpt1  
       mov si,offset result  
       mov bl,[si]  
       call hex2asc  
       printstring msg2  
       printstring result  
       mov ah,4ch  
       mov al,00h  
       int 21h  
       hex2asc proc near  
       push ax  
       push bx  
       push cx  
       push dx  
       push si  
       mov cx,00h  
       mov bx,0ah  
       mov dx,00  
       div bx  
       add dl,'0'  
       push dx  
       inc cx  
       cmp ax,0ah  
       jge rpt2  
       add al,'0'  
       mov [si],al  
 rpt3:pop ax  
       inc si  
       mov [si],al  
       loop rpt3  
       inc si  
       mov al,'$'  
       mov [si],al  
       pop si  
       pop dx  
       pop cx  
       pop bx  
       pop ax  
       hex2asc endp  
       code ends  
 end start  

Monday, September 5, 2011

TASM Assembly Program to Find the Largest of N Numbers

The TASM Assembly program given can be used to find the largest number among the numbers entered to an array.The Complete Source Code is given Below.
 print macro msg  
  mov ah,09h  
  mov dx,offset msg  
  int 21h  
 read macro num  
  mov ah,01h  
  int 21h  
  sub al,'0'  
  mov bh,0ah  
  mul bh  
  mov num,al  
  mov ah,01h  
  int 21h  
  sub al,'0'  
  add num,al  
 data segment  
  cr equ 0dh  
  lf equ 0ah  
  msg1 db 'Enter the limit ',cr,lf,'$'  
  msg2 db cr,lf,'Enter the no:',cr,lf,'$'  
  msg3 db cr,lf,'$'  
  msg4 db cr,lf,'largest no is',cr,lf,'$'  
  num db ?  
  n db ?  
  arr db 100 dup(0)  
  larg db 8 dup('$')  
 data ends  
 code segment  
 assume cs:code,ds:data  
  start:mov ax,data  
     mov ds,ax  
     print msg1  
     read n  
     mov ch,00h  
     mov cl,n  
     mov si,00h  
     print msg2  
  rept1:read num  
     mov bl,num  
     mov arr[si],bl  
     inc si  
     print msg3  
     loop rept1  
     mov si,00h  
     mov ch,00h  
     mov cl,n-1  
     mov al,arr[si]  
  rept2:inc si  
     mov bl,arr[si]  
     cmp bl,al  
     jb exit  
     mov al,bl  
  exit:loop rept2  
     mov ah,00h  
     mov si,offset larg  
     call hextoasc  
     print msg4  
     print larg  
     mov ah,4ch  
     mov al,00h  
     int 21h  
 hextoasc proc near  
  push ax  
  push bx  
  push cx  
  push dx  
  push si  
  mov cx,00h  
  mov bx,0ah  
 rept3:mov dx,00  
    div bx  
    add dl,'0'  
    push dx  
    inc cx  
    cmp ax,0ah  
    jge rept3  
    add al,'0'  
    mov [si],al  
 rept4:pop ax  
    inc si  
    mov [si],al  
    loop rept4  
    inc si  
    mov al,'$'  
    mov [si],al  
    pop si  
    pop dx  
    pop cx  
    pop bx  
    pop ax  
  hextoasc endp  
  code ends  
 end start  

How to Remove the Banbra Trojan:Win32.Banbra.Complete Guide

Trojan-Banbra (Win32.Banbra) is a malicious threat that allows remote access to your computer for stealing personal information.Given below is the step by step procedure/guide to remove this threat from your PC manually without the need of any specific removal tools.

1)Start your System in SafeMode by pressing the F8 key while Booting

2). Delete these files:
%UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\[random]\[random].exe
%Documents and Settings%\[UserName]\Start Menu\ About.lnk

3)In the Run  prompt type 'regedit' and open the registry editor.Click on Edit Menu>Find
   Find and Delete all the entries listed below

 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings 'WarnonBadCertRecving' = '0'
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run 'tmp'
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run 'Protection Center'v
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run 'Protection Center'

4)Download this tool to Remove the Temporary Internet files of the Internet Explorer or do it manually,

5)Before Opening any file do a Full System Scan  with any up to date antivirus to remove the junk infectious files generated by the Trojan.Done!Your System is Safe again.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

How to Remove Win 32 Sality Virus Easily using a Simple Utility called SalityKiller

Win32.Sality is a common virus that infects Windows Executable(.exe) files.The exe files that are Infected need not be deleted it can be repaired/healed by using a simple tool called sality killer provided by kaspersky labs.The virus itself has several versions Win32.Sality.aa,,, respectively.Sality Killer can remove/disinfect all variants of win32 sality.

Here are the Steps to Disinfect or Remove Win32.Sality Infections from your Computer

1)Download the tool SalityKiller from

2)Extract the archive to any location.

3)Run the program SalityKiller.exe

4)Wait for it to stop the virus threads and remove all Infections from the System.Done!

5)Restart the System, if required run a Full System Scan using any antivirus tool of your choice with updated virus definitions.

Which is the Best Photo Watermarking Software

Photo Theft is becoming more and more common in the web with the outburst of social websites like Facebook,Google Plus and Image sharing se...